The Chinese market is a growth market with great potential for the food industry.

LENNO takes over Weber sales in China.

The Chinese market is a growth market with great potential for the food industry, especially in the areas of fresh meat and sliced meat applications. To serve this growth and meet the demand for technically advanced automation and packaging solutions, Weber Maschinenbau has been working with LENNO as a distribution partner for the Chinese market since 2023. LENNO will be responsible for distributing the entire Weber portfolio for the processing and packaging of sliced products, piece goods, and other fresh products and will help to further expand and develop the Chinese market for Weber.

According to Weber, LENNO is the perfect partner to achieving growth targets for several reasons. The company has more than 20 years of experience in the food industry, particularly in food processing, and knows the Chinese market and food producers located there very well. The company has positioned itself well over the years and has an organized sales team and a team of service technicians, ensuring responsive and personalized support for Chinese customers. 

"LENNO is not only organizationally very well positioned, but our companies also share the same philosophy – absolute customer focus and proximity to the customer. This is extremely important to us at Weber," emphasizes Rüdiger Werner, Project Sales Manager at Weber. This customer focus is reflected, for example, in a demo center and a local spare parts warehouse. Both allow LENNO to quickly respond to customer inquiries and demonstrate Weber solutions directly on site. "We are convinced that with the help of this partnership, we will be able to offer our Chinese customers the best possible solutions for their needs and the best possible service," says Rüdiger Werner with confidence. 

Picture from the left to the right: Dawson Tang (Sales Director, LENNO), Sunny Wang (Deputy General Manager, LENNO), Rüdiger Werner (Project Sales Manager, Weber), Lucy Gao (Import Manager, LENNO), Barry Han (General Manager, LENNO), Jade Li (Import Manager, LENO), Daniel Frank (Vice President Sales, Weber), Luisa Li (Senior Sales Manager, LENNO), Whye Mun Yip (Managing Director, Weber Singapore)